
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Dog days of Summer.

First a quick Maya update. We went to the vet got the stitches removed and she is cleared to return to her normal and full activity level. Yay Maya. I think every in the house was excited when the cone of pain came off except Maya who we almost think misses it. Now the only way you can tell something happened is that she had a  less hairy spot where he stitches were. 

Now on to our dog days of summer.

Yesterday was one of those days where I got to let my dogs be dogs and just have fun. And the got the chance to remind me of some important life things. 

Don't take yourself to seriously. 

We all have bad days and get stressed out sometimes but make time to relax and enjoy the small pleasures that make you happy. Like a nice warm cup of tea or rolling in a mud puddle whatever makes you happy. Remember when you look back those huge issues you are facing now wont be such a big deal so don't let them rule your life now.

Remember to have fun.

So what if you look silly doing it. Get up and go have some fun. Play with friends, enjoy the summer both will be gone before you know it so live it up while they are here. As adults I think we sometimes get wrapped up in work and life's responsibilities and forget to have fun. Fortunately for me my dogs are always trying to have fun and they remind me to play a little.   

Age is just a number.

It's not important how old you are you can get out and play like a puppy whenever you want to. When is someone to old to act silly or to have fun or to play till there dirty. Sadie I think will always remind me this she is such a silly dog and that hasn't changed from the first day I met her. I love you little girl way to show the pups how to have fun like an adult. Which is the same as having fun as a puppy, Sadie is just louder. 

I love my kids. 

I honestly think I would have a significantly more difficult time facing the challenges life throws at me if I didn't have these fluffy faces to come home to. Honestly I have been a little stressed lately, with migraines that keep popping up and with unexpected changes and challenges some parts of life have been a scary stressful place. But days like yesterday remind me to focus on the fun and positive parts of life and not like the negative parts take charge. Thanks pups. Love you. 

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