
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Dog days of Summer.

First a quick Maya update. We went to the vet got the stitches removed and she is cleared to return to her normal and full activity level. Yay Maya. I think every in the house was excited when the cone of pain came off except Maya who we almost think misses it. Now the only way you can tell something happened is that she had a  less hairy spot where he stitches were. 

Now on to our dog days of summer.

Yesterday was one of those days where I got to let my dogs be dogs and just have fun. And the got the chance to remind me of some important life things. 

Don't take yourself to seriously. 

We all have bad days and get stressed out sometimes but make time to relax and enjoy the small pleasures that make you happy. Like a nice warm cup of tea or rolling in a mud puddle whatever makes you happy. Remember when you look back those huge issues you are facing now wont be such a big deal so don't let them rule your life now.

Remember to have fun.

So what if you look silly doing it. Get up and go have some fun. Play with friends, enjoy the summer both will be gone before you know it so live it up while they are here. As adults I think we sometimes get wrapped up in work and life's responsibilities and forget to have fun. Fortunately for me my dogs are always trying to have fun and they remind me to play a little.   

Age is just a number.

It's not important how old you are you can get out and play like a puppy whenever you want to. When is someone to old to act silly or to have fun or to play till there dirty. Sadie I think will always remind me this she is such a silly dog and that hasn't changed from the first day I met her. I love you little girl way to show the pups how to have fun like an adult. Which is the same as having fun as a puppy, Sadie is just louder. 

I love my kids. 

I honestly think I would have a significantly more difficult time facing the challenges life throws at me if I didn't have these fluffy faces to come home to. Honestly I have been a little stressed lately, with migraines that keep popping up and with unexpected changes and challenges some parts of life have been a scary stressful place. But days like yesterday remind me to focus on the fun and positive parts of life and not like the negative parts take charge. Thanks pups. Love you. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Maya update.

A number of people have been asking me how our little Maya girl has been doing. It has been over a week since her accident and I am happy to report that we are now struggling to keep her calm and obey the vets orders. The vet says no crazy rough play until the stitches come out and that wont be till the end of  the week. Maya has decided that she is just fine and is confused as to why we wont let her wrestle Simon or body slam Sadie. So I think we can say she is feeling pretty well and despite her best attempts her stitches look like she is healing up fantastically. I am going to check with the vet and find out how much longer we are going to need to keep it easy for but don't worry Maya when we get the all clear we are going to go for a run on the bike and maybe a swim in the river!

Maya says can we at least play video games?
I will keep you updated with what the vet says when he checks her out but so far everything looks good. Also little Maya has embraced the cone more than any dog I have ever seen. It almost seams like she likes it. When she thinks we are not looking she will bonk Simon will it or use it to cover and hog the water bowl or to trap your face for kisses. You can't help but feel a little bad for her poor cone it is starting to be dented and a little misshapen from Maya's antics. Once we go to the vet this week fingers crossed Maya will be stitch and cone free.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Emergency Vet visit on the Fourth of July! Warning graphic Injury pictures.

Last year at Bark for life we were talking the the people in the emergency vet booth. We picked up their card told them how grateful we were that we had an emergency vet in town but that we hopped we would never have to use there services.  I honestly hope that my dogs live to a rip old age with only ever having minor health concerns that could all be managed by my family vet. I do realize this is highly unlikely that none of my dogs would ever have an emergency but a girl can dream!

Picture of Sadie from bark for life 2013.

So the Fourth of July 2014 hits. Knowing managing three dogs in the crowed parade atmosphere and with two of them being basically puppies we decided to just take Simon to the parade. Maya and Sadie had gone last year and we wanted to give his little puppy brain the exposure to all the sights and sounds of the parade in positive way. Knowing I was going to need to leave the other two home alone Maya in a kennel I woke up bright and early and took the dogs over to my mom's to play. All three dogs love visiting my mom's house she has a kiddie pool they can play in lots of space to run a deck to crawl under and lots of bushes and trees to enjoy the shade, race around or in the case of the bushes race through. 

Simon and Maya race around.

So loaded up the dogs and drove over. Sadie rolled in the grass and chased the other two around loving the cooler air of the morning. Maya and Simon raced all around having a blast and raced to me when I called them to come jump in the car. The four of us headed home I didn't notice the kids acting weird so everyone got breakfast and we headed to the parade with Simon.

Simon and I at the parade.
He loved it the horses were his favorite but I don't know what he would have done if he could have actually gotten to them. Simon also howled along with the firetrucks and police cars and when the people around us cheered for their kids. He sat in his chair taking it all in and loving it. We also had thought ahead and I had a somewhat frozen very cold and wet t shirt I put on his back when it started to heat up and he cooled right off and was able to enjoy all of the parade.  Finally it was done and we packed up our stuff picked up our trash and headed home.

Simon watching the parade.
Once we got home and let the dogs out for a potty break Maya prances over to me to say hello just like she will always do. As she turned I noticed what appeared to be a decently large hole in her side. Starting to worry I called her over again and looked it at it. Maya had a gaping hole in her side about the size of a dollar coin. Starting to panic I dialed the emergency vet to give them a heads up we were on our way. We loaded up Maya into the car with a clean towel for the wound had started bleeding with I had stopped letting her lick it.  Driving as fast as we could we pulled up to the emergency vet and brought her in. We filled out some paper work and waited for the vet to come check her out. I am impressed to say Maya was in high spirits. Enjoying all the attention and the solo car ride only thing bothering her is that I wouldn't let he lick her side. At no point did she act like it was bothering her. The vet came in and kindly examined Maya. After looking it over she said it looked like Maya was running and caught something with her side and tore a hole into a skin. The vet assured us that compared to what they normally see it was a pretty minor injury but that she would need to have it stitched up. For that she would need to be under anesthetic have the area shaved and sowed up and take antibiotics to prevent any infection from happening. We signed the papers and let the take Maya back to surgery with the promise that they would call us as soon as we could pick her up. A little over an hour later we were back and a much more lethargic Maya greeted us cone and all.

Picture of Maya's injury I tool at the vet office.
For the rest of the day Maya was pretty out of it. I don't know if she just wasn't doing well from the anesthetic or if cleaning it out and stitching it up and hurt  and she was sore but she mostly napped the rest of the day. I kept her right next to me so I could make sure that the other dogs didn't step or jump on her. She seamed pretty happy for the extra attention and for the hot dog she got to eat her pills in. She didn't even react when Paquette came over to hangout and avoid the fireworks. 

Maya's hot pink stitches.
The next day was a different story. Other than not being sure how to walk in the cone Maya was pretty much back to her normal self. There was a ton of running into stuff with the cone and booping the other dogs with it. She learned how to eat and drink with it on and was back to her pretty silly self.

Maya day one cone.
Now. Maya is almost on a mission to rip her stitches she really hates the you can't play with the other dogs rule and tries to get away with it whenever she thinks we are not looking. I don't know who is more excited for her stitches to come out us or her. Also the cone is now officially considered a weapon because she runs into you with it and it is not super pleasant. I am ecstatic to see that she is feeling well even though it means more work for me. She still has a few more days on the antibiotics but she is off pain pills and is doing wonderfully. 

Maya cone day four.
Love you Maya regardless of the curve balls you throw us.