
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Autism speaks 5K

Simon and I did our first 5K. It was down in Pocatello Idaho for Autism Speaks put on by one of ISU's sororities.

We were told to wear blue so we both dressed up to support such an awesome cause.

I dyed Simon's ears, tail and feet with a none toxic animal safe hair chalk that naturally will wear off on it's own. The next day Simon got his feet wet in a puddle and all the chalk washed off his feet.

My sister had invited us down to to the race with her. She has worked with special needs children and really loved getting to support that cause.

I am not currently in the best of shape but I am working on it so we walked most of the race. It was was also a good idea for Simon although he is in fantastic shape it would have been have been kind of warm for a husky to work out.

Keeping Simon in mind we stuck to the shade and stopped a few times to offer him water and keep him comfortable and happy.

Also after the run they offered us frozen yogurt Simon was happy to help me finish off mine.

It was a lot of fun and I hope Simon and I have a lot more races in our future.

Post race Simon was very tired.