He came to live with me in October of 2012 as an adult so I was never sure of his actual age but I assumed he was at least one to two years old.
He passed away last night or this morning June 27th 2018.
At the youngest he was at least seven at most he could have been pushing 9 years old. That is really a long life for most pet ferrets.
Unfortunately the grumpy old guy couldn't fight off death forever. He out lived the predictions of three different vets. He was diagnosed with cushings and likely cancerous tumors 4 years ago and still kept up with his honey badger personality. While we were in Twin he would often attack my feet and socks while he was running around as I was cleaning his cage.
Sadie loved him.
Simon was terrified of him.
I will miss him.
Any animal that is fortunate enough to fall under your care enjoys heaven on earth.