Celebration for our new house guest. (excuse for the party hat.) Unfortunately as of yet I cannot get a picture of Simon in the hat because he wont hold still with it on.
Maya is unhappy that I still have the party hat |
Okay so not really a new addition Maya is back with us for the summer! Her owner is traveling for school and we were happy to have her come back and visit. We have really missed her and it's fantastic to see how she has grown up. She is almost a year older than Simon so seeing the difference a year can make is really interesting.
Sadie thinks that if she has to wear the hat she should get treats. |
Maya is a lot more relaxed than she was as a puppy she naps more and gets into stuff less, but she loves to zoom around with Simon and with her slightly longer legs and her muscles she can out run him and he loves it.
I like this picture of all the feet.
She has been with us since Wednesday afternoon and her and Simon are best buds. It's funny most of the time it's either the pups or the girls but Maya is just to much fun so Simon and Sadie play with her more than each other.
Maya is in in the middle on our hike today.
Today we went on a hike in the foothills and everyone had a blast. It was a very hot day so we didn't go for a very long hike but getting to go somewhere we hadn't been before with the dogs was a lot of fun. We were the only group out there so we had the hills to ourselves for our adventure.
Simon looks super happy on the hike.
Simon took the first step toward his future today. When we took him hiking we used an x-back harness which is the type of harness used in dog sledding. He is getting used the the feel of pulling in an X-back harness to start him on the path to being a sled dog. Simon loved it. he pulled for all he is worth and when you see a dog do what he is bred for and it clicks it is magic. I can't wait till he is older and we start to skijor and really tap into that genetic potential.
Sadie is always doing weird things with her tongue. |
Happy dogs! |
They love to hike. |
The dogs are having a great day. |
We are very excited to have Maya visiting we plan to have a wonderful summer with the three dogs with lots of hikes, walks, and training fun.
Looks like a good time was had by all. Good day