Most Saturdays you can find Sadie and me at
the local farmers market. We both really love the market. With the
fantastic food, the incredible people, and the beautiful crafts there is
always something to discover. Also it always seems like the nicest
people in town are there, both the other shoppers and the people in
charge of the booths. Or maybe they are just like me and that going
there puts them in a good mood.
favorite part of the market I think it would be walking by the caramel
popcorn guys. There is always a little spilled that she snatches up as
we walk by. Her next favorite thing would be the kids. Sadie is super
tolerant and loving of children so any time we see a family with some
kids looking interested we invite them to come say hi. I normally have
Sadie sit because it seams to reassure both the parents and the
children that this is a polite well mannered dog and that she does not
want to eat the children. Maybe I should let them know she is full on
My favorite part of the market is
having Sadie with me. So many more people come and talk to me and
interact with me then would if I was alone. I get to see the friendly,
kind side of a total stranger and I always appreciate getting to see and
remember that it exists. Also, I am a little shy and have a hard time
striking up a conversation on my own. With Sadie I can talk about her
and feel incredibly comfortable.

One of Sadie's best characteristics is how she is happy to meet anyone. From children whose petting is really more of a pat, to timid people who
shyly touch and then back away, and even those with disabilities that
cause them to maybe be less gentle than most dogs would like. Sadie does not react to them any differently
and is always so happy to see them. Last time we were at the market Sadie meet an
adult in a wheelchair. I don't know if she had ever been close to a
person in a wheelchair before, but she was happy to greet him and the both of
them were happy when we asked if he wanted to give Sadie a treat for
being such a good dog. I would love to take credit for this fantastic
behavior but, other than trying to make every outing pleasant, I have not
done anything to prepare Sadie for people with disabilities.
Sadie always is impressing me with her happy accepting friendly nature. I am excited for more adventures with her.